About Us

We are a family run organisation which was created in 1997 to provide support to a family member.  Our background of expertise is complex care including severe learning disabilities, autism and behaviour that challenges.  Since 1997, we have been privileged to work with some amazing individuals which has allowed us to expand our level of expertise within the following area; mental health, complex health needs and physical needs.  

Throughout this time our main focus is that we are person-centred and have the wishes and needs of the service user at the helm of all we do. 

Our Services

Supported Living

We provide support to adults who live in supported living placements.  We have experience of supporting some challenging individuals and helped them to stay supported and safe in their own home.


We support individuals who are wanting to remain in their own home.  We support people to remain active members of their community by linking in with other agencies, colleges and providers.


We have worked in many residential settings around the Wyre and Fylde including secure and non-secure placements.  We find that providing a consistent approach is paramount to success. 

Our Philosophy


Everything we do centers on providing services of the highest level of quality. 


We pride ourselves on our efficient procedures and solutions, but we continually strive for improvement in order to deliver results more effectively.

Fair Prices

Satisfying customers is our top priority. That’s why we believe in offering fair and transparent prices with no hidden fees or extra charges.
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